
Why are the keeper and owner different in the UK?

    There is a distinction between car owners and car keepers in the UK. The owner is the individual who purchased the vehicle, while the keeper is the individual who is responsible for paying for its upkeep. This distinction is crucial because it determines who is liable for any damages. If you are the keeper of a car, you are responsible for any damage it causes. However, if you are the vehicle owner, you are only liable for damages if you were aware of the car's condition and did not take steps to remedy it. As a result, knowing who is responsible for your car before an accident occurs is essential.    Vehicle/Car Registered Keeper   In the UK, the car keeper is the person who is responsible for paying for and insuring the vehicle, while the car owner is the person who owns the car. It can be unclear for drivers from other countries, as the two terms are used interchangeably in most cases. A car keeper is not the same as a car owner in the UK. Th...

Buying or leasing a vehicle – Which is the best option?

  Buying Or Leasing Your First Vehicle? Purchasing a new or used vehicle is one of the necessary expenses which we face. If you find it too daunting to save money to buy a vehicle, you can consider vehicle leasing. But not everyone can consider leasing a car. Know that leases are usually cheaper for the short term but when it is for the long run, buy a car to save money. Weighing the pros and cons of buying and leasing a car will help you make the right decision for you and your family. What's the significant difference between buying and leasing a car? Leasing a vehicle is a contract whereby one party permits another party to use the vehicle for a specific period in exchange for periodic payments like monthly instalments . If your agreement has the option to purchase the car at the end of the contract, then you can carry it out. So, what's the difference between financing and leasing a car? You are purchasing a car with the loan, but you are also paying monthly paym...